There’s a great deal of information on the internet about managing Confluence Space permissions with scripts, and how there’s no REST endpoint for it, and how it’s basically impossible.
This is incorrect.
There’s also a lot of information about using the JSONRPC or XMLRPC APIs to accomplish this. These APIs are only available on Server/DC. In the Cloud they effectively don’t exist, so this is yet more misinformation.
So why all the confusion?
There’s a lot of outdated information out there that floats around and doesn’t disappear even after it stops being correct or relevant. This is one of the major struggles I had when I started learning how to write scripts to interact with Jira and Confluence. Much of the information used to be relevant, but five or six or ten years later it only serves to distract people looking for a solution. That’s one of the major reasons I started this blog in the first place.
Specific to this instance, another reason for confusion is that the documentation for the REST API does outline an endpoint for Confluence Space permission management, but it includes some very strict limitations that could easily be misinterpreted.
The limitation is this: the