If I wanted to perform a search of Jira using Groovy and ScriptRunner, I might make use of the SearchRequestService.  This class contains many useful methods, most of them having to do with filters. 

A great many of these take a JiraServiceContext as an argument.  For example, these are the parameters of the createFilter() method:

  	createFilter(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, SearchRequest request) 

At this point you might start to wonder what a “Jira Service Context” is, and for good reason. Atlassian has once again failed to document exactly what they want, or how to provide it. There is nothing in any of the documentation about what exactly this argument is.  The arguement has it’s own page in the documentation, but that contains no useful information on actually implementing or understanding this parameter.

This is a recurring theme with Atlassian and their APIs.   Rarely is the official documentation helpful or complete; instead we must rely on the kindness of strangers on the internet who post code snippets.  That’s one of the major reasons I started posting the Groovy code that I wrote for Atlassian products; the vendor sure isn’t providing any help, and hopefully what I write will be of help



It’s surprisingly difficult to simply return a list of administrators for a Jira project.    I had to hunt for a relatively simple way to accomplish this.  In the end I found a snippet to build on, written by Mark Markov and located here on the Atlassian forums.

I initially got frustrated because I was looking to return all of the administrators using the libraries that deal with permissions.  Permissions and roles are two very different things in Jira; permissions are set up using a permission scheme, and applied to more than one Jira Project.  Roles and Users are specific to each Project.

Returning the users in a Projec role requires the use of several libraries.   Outlined below are two pieces of Groovy code for accomplishing this.  The first returns all users in a given role, across all of the projects in Jira.  The second returns the users in a role for an explicitly defined project.

The Code (Return all jira users in a role)

As always, we start by declaring our imports.   The foundation of any Jira or Confluence Groovy script is the Component Accessor. We’ll also need the Project Manager and the Project Role Manager