Here’s a very basic example of a script to review group membership on Jira Server/DC

By first fetching the groups, and then the users in each group, we take the most efficient path toward only fetching the users who are in a group.

On the other hand, we could also tweak this script to show us users who are NOT in a group, or who are in  X or fewer groups.   That might be interesting, too.


 import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor

def groupManager = ComponentAccessor.getGroupManager()
def groups = groupManager.getAllGroups()
def sb = []
//Define a string buffer to hold the results

sb.add("<br>Group Name, Active User Count, Inactive User Count, Total User Count")
//Add a header to the buffer
groups.each{ group ->

 def activeUsers = 0
 def inactiveUsers = 0
 Each time we iterate over a new group, the count of active/inactive users gets set back to zero
 def groupMembers = groupManager.getUsersInGroup(group)
 //For each group, fetch the members of the group
    groupMembers.each{ member ->
    //Process each member of each group
    def memberDetails = ComponentAccessor.getUserManager().getUserByName(
    //We have to fetch the full user object, using the *name* attribute of the group member
            activeUsers += 1 
            inactiveUsers += 1
    }//Increment the count of 

There’s a simple way to return a list of field configurations and field configuration schemes in Jira DC/Jira Server.  However, in order to find that information you have to know that Jira once referred to these as field layouts

Using the FieldLayoutManager class, this script returns a list of field layouts:

 import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.layout.field.FieldLayoutManager

def layoutManager = ComponentAccessor.getFieldLayoutManager()
def fieldLayouts = layoutManager.getEditableFieldLayouts()
def sb = []

fieldLayouts.each{ fieldLayout ->

    sb.add("<br> ${}")


return sb 


This script returns the field layout schemes, with a simple change of the method:

 import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.layout.field.FieldLayoutManager

def layoutManager = ComponentAccessor.getFieldLayoutManager()
def layoutSchemes = layoutManager.getFieldLayoutSchemes()
def sb = []

layoutSchemes.each{ layoutScheme ->

    sb.add("<br> ${}")


return sb 

This simple script fetches all projects, then fetches each issue in the project.  For each issue, it counts the number of attachments and adds it to a running tally for that project.

 import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor

def projectManager = ComponentAccessor.getProjectManager()
def projects = projectManager.getProjectObjects()
def issueManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager()

projects.each{ project ->

  def attachmentsTotal = 0
  def issues = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().getIssueIdsForProject(

  issues.each{ issueID ->

    def issue = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().getIssueObject(issueID)
    def attachmentManager = ComponentAccessor.getAttachmentManager().getAttachments(issue).size()
    attachmentsTotal += attachmentManager

  log.warn(project.key + " - " + attachmentsTotal)


I’ve started working on a QR-code based inventory management and pricing system.   One of the foundational elements of this system is the ability to print a price tag with a QR code on it, and to be able to update the link associated with that QR code without replacing the sticker.

This is possible if the QR code links to instead of directly to the link in question.   So long as the shortened URL is generated under a Bitly account, it can be edited and modified after the fact.

The Bitly API is at the same time well documented, and a bit frustrating.  It’s frustrating because all of the example Python code on the internet uses the bitly_api package, which is apparently either abandoned or complete trash.   For example, all of the examples on the internet result in an error like this:

  bitly api.bitly _api.Bitly Error: "PERMANENTLY REMOVED"

 I assume this means that the method has been removed from the class or package, but I couldn’t find a way to fix it.

Instead, let’s use the https requests library to connect to the Bitly API and generate a shortened link.


First things first, you should go check